

阅读:1360次 日期:2018/08/14





徐蕾 摘译自 彭博社

Caspian Sea breakthrough treaty set to boost oil, pipeline plans

Five Caspian Sea states reached a breakthrough agreement on sovereign rights to the sea, paving the way

for new oil and gas extraction -- and pipelines -- after more than two decades of disputes.

The treaty ends a spat over whether the Caspian is a sea or a lake, granting it special legal status

and clarifying the maritime boundaries of each surrounding country. It also allows each to lay

pipelines offshore with consent only from the neighboring states affected, rather than from all Caspian

Sea nations.

“Many years of thorough work have culminated today in the signing of the Convention on the Legal

Status of the Caspian Sea,” Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev said Sunday in the coastal city

of Aktau, as broadcast by Rossiya 24 television. The five states also signed agreements on trade and

economic ties, transportation and fighting terrorism.

Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan have tried to define the Caspian Sea’s legal

status since the collapse of the Soviet Union, in order to divide up the waters and its natural

resources for new drilling and pipelines. The territorial disputes have prevented the exploration of at

least 20 Bbbl of oil and more than 240 Tcf of gas, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated in 2013.
