

阅读:1587次 日期:2018/09/30

据普氏能源咨询网布宜诺斯艾利斯9月27日消息,阿根廷一位政府官员周四表示,阿根廷政府希望建设该国首个液化天然气(LNG)液化终端,并计划在2019年下半年开始建设,该项目的建设将令阿根廷有能力出口来自于巨大的Vaca Muerta页岩气生产区日益过剩的天然气。

阿根廷能源规划负责人Daniel Dreizzen在穆迪公司在布宜诺斯艾利斯召开的财务研讨会上表示:“我们有信心该项目将在2019年10月举行的下一次总统选举后作出决定。”


本月早些时候,阿根廷最大的天然气运输公司——Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS)和总部位于德克萨斯州的Excelerate能源公司同意研究在布宜诺斯艾利斯的液化项目的可能性。Excelerate能源公司在阿根廷经营着两个浮动LNG进口终端。两家公司称,他们将在今年年底前向政府提交这项提案,以进行评估。


Dreizzen在活动间隙对标普全球普氏集团表示,该终端将有六条生产线用于出口供应,并应该会在2023年前开始运营,届时将有能力从Vaca Muerta出口4000万立方米/天的天然气。

张春晓 摘译自 PLATTS


Argentina aims to start construction of first LNG export terminal in 2019

Argentina's government wants construction of the country's first LNG liquefaction terminal to start in the second half of 2019, making it possible to export an increasing surplus of production from the giant Vaca Muerta shale play, an official said Thursday.

"We are confident that the decision to push the button on this project will come after the next presidential election in October 2019," Daniel Dreizzen, the country's secretary of energy planning, said at a Moody's finance seminar in Buenos Aires.

He said companies have brought forward proposals for building the terminal, which will be evaluated.

Earlier this month, the country's biggest gas transporter, Transportadora de Gas del Sur (TGS), and Texas-based Excelerate Energy, which operates two floating LNG import terminals in Argentina, agreed to study the possibility of a liquefaction project in Buenos Aires province. They said they would present the proposal to the government by the end of this year for evaluation.

But if no company is ready to advance by next year, Dreizzen said the government will hold an auction to find a builder and operator of the project.

The terminal will have six trains for exporting supplies and should start operations by 2023, with the capacity to ship an initial 40 million cu m/d from Vaca Muerta, Dreizzen told S&P Global Platts on the sidelines of the event.
