

阅读:1544次 日期:2018/12/06


阿尔伯塔省省长Rachel Notley上周日表示,政府将迫使生产商将产量减少8.7%,即每天32.5万桶,直到过剩的原油储存量减少为止。







帝国石油公司首席执行官Rich Kruger表示,该公司正在重新考虑该政策对其投资的影响。


加拿大皇家银行资本市场大宗商品策略师Michael Tran表示:“严厉的行动是短期的补救办法,但不是长期的解决办法。撇开铁路汽车不谈,长期解决方案必然涉及管道建设。”




Some Canadian producers push back as Alberta orders oil cuts

Several oil companies in Canada pushed back on Monday against Alberta’s mandated cuts in crude production, warning about excessive government intervention even as the discount on Canadian crudes narrowed sharply on the curtailment plan.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley said on Sunday the government would force producers to cut output by 8.7 percent, or 325,000 barrels per day (bpd), until excess crude in storage is reduced.

The move is unusual for a market economy like Canada, in comparison with members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries whose oil companies are often state-owned.

Prices for Canadian grades of crude oil moved sharply upward Monday, narrowing the deep discounts they had been trading at, relative to their U.S. counterparts.

While producers said they would comply with the mandatory cuts, executives from Canada’s Suncor Energy Inc, Husky Energy Inc and Imperial Oil, integrated producers with domestic refinery and upgrading capacity, expressed disappointment.

“We believe the market is working and view government-ordered curtailment or other interventions as possibly having serious negative investment, economic and trade consequences,” said Husky in a statement.

Suncor is assessing the impact of the government’s announcement, it said, noting that the market is the most effective means to balance supply and demand and normalize differentials.

“Less economic production was being curtailed and differentials were narrowing as a result of market forces,” Suncor said in a statement, adding that specific effects from the cuts will be discussed in its upcoming 2019 outlook.

Imperial Oil CEO Rich Kruger said the company was reviewing the impact on its investments.

Canada’s production has steadily increased over the last year and is set to grow some 17.8 percent through 2020, according to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, but shipments have been constrained by the lack of pipelines out of Alberta to the United States and overseas markets.

“The heavy-handed action is a short-term remedy but not long-term solution,” said Michael Tran, commodity strategist at RBC Capital Markets. “Rail cars aside, there’s no long-term solution that does not involve building a pipeline.”

The mandated cuts are controversial because heavily integrated producers, like Suncor and Husky, benefit from the low crude prices to feed their refineries. They also tend to have more secure pipeline access.
