

阅读:1108次 日期:2019/01/02

据普氏能源资讯新加坡12月27日消息 马来西亚的Kimanis原油明年可能会引领东南亚的现货贸易活动,因为轻甜级原油的产量将继续攀升,预计2019年平均每月将有10批Aframax现货供应。









康菲石油公司有三批货物在1月1-5日、1月16-20日和1月28- 2月1日装运。壳牌有两批货物要在1月13-17日和1月22-26日装载,文莱石油公司有一批货物要在1月7-11日装载。

吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Outlook 2019: Malaysia's Kimanis crude to lead Southeast Asian spot supply

Malaysia's Kimanis crude will likely lead Southeast Asian spot trade activities next year as the production of the light sweet grade continued to grind higher, with 10 Aframax cargoes expected to be offered every month on average in 2019.

Major Southeast Asian crude producers including Indonesia and Vietnam continued to witness their overall production slide in 2018, while growing domestic refining requirements added to the downward pressure on their respective export figures over the past few quarters.

However, the relatively new Kimanis crude which first made its debut commercial sale in the Asian market in 2014 will continue to contribute ample liquidity in the Southeast Asian spot market.

Kimanis crude, produced at the Gumusut-Kakap field offshore Sabah, was first offered in the spot market in September 2014 for loading in November the same year.

The project was expected to peak at 135,000 b/d once it is ramped up to full capacity, project operator Shell said previously.

The overall Kimanis crude production has jumped to around 200,000 b/d if not more in recent months, as the output from the new Malikai Tension-Leg Platform inched higher, sources with close knowledge of the production rate told S&P Global Platts.

Output from the Malikai project is typically blended with oil from the Gumusut-Kakap field, and exported as Kimanis. Shell has started oil production from the Malikai project in late 2016.

Reflecting the ample production rate, a total of 6 million barrels of Malaysian Kimanis crude are scheduled to be exported in January.

Malaysia's state-owned oil and gas company Petronas is slated to load four cargoes over January 4-8, January 10-14, January 19-23 and January 25-29, the program showed.

ConocoPhillips has three cargoes for loading over January 1-5, January 16-20 and January 28-February 1. Shell has two cargoes for loading over January 13-17 and January 22-26, and Petroleum Brunei has one cargo for loading over January 7-11.

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