

阅读:1569次 日期:2019/01/03

据Neftegaz.RU乌里扬诺夫斯克1月2日消息,在2018年12月30日,一场庄严的天然气运输仪式举行,巴里什基区掘金村的300名居民能够使用天然气。 到2019年,居民将在家中供暖,无需使用柴火和气瓶。

乌里扬诺夫斯克地区的气化水平从2005年的51%(农村地区为 34%)增加到61%,其中包括48%的农村人口。在2021年,计划将气化居住地的数量增加到80%。据报道,萨莫罗德基村的气化是在“乌里扬诺夫斯克区域住区的气化”二级方案下进行的。。



曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


Gas came to the settlement of Samorodki in the Ulyanovsk Region

Ulyanovsk Neftegaz.RU . So, on December 30, 2018, a solemn gas launch took place - 300 residents of the Nuggets village of the Baryshsky district were able to use natural gas. Now in 2019, residents will have heat in their homes, without using firewood and gas cylinders.

The level of gasification of the Ulyanovsk region increased from 51% (in rural areas - 34%) in 2005 to 61%, including 48% of the rural population. In 2021 it is planned to increase the number of gasified settlements to 80%. It is reported that the gasification of the village of Samorodki was carried out under the subprogramme "Gasification of settlements of the Ulyanovsk region".

At the expense of the regional budget in the amount of 1.28 million rubles. An inter-settlement gas pipeline with a length of 3.1 km was built. Out of 67 houses in the village of Nuggets, domestic gas equipment was installed in only 10 houses, projects are ready for another 27 houses.

54.53% of the territory is gasified in Baryshsky district, 19 settlements are gasified. As expected, in 2019 for the allocated 55 million rubles to the Baryshsky district. Pavlovka, Zagarino, Rumyantsevo, Golovtsevo will be gasified. In the near future, two inter-settlement gas pipelines will be laid.

