

阅读:1466次 日期:2019/01/07





陈菲 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


In Belarus, in 2018, the largest volume of oil was produced in the last 7 years

Minsk Neftegaz.RU. During 2018, Belarus produced 1.670 million tons of oil. This is the highest figure in the last 7 years.

Of the new wells, 94.4 thousand tons were produced - this is the best result for the last 23 years. In 2018, the largest drilling program was completed, and the largest number of hydraulic fracturing operations were performed. 40 new wells were put into production - the maximum of the last 30 years. Oil of high quality (light oil) delivered 311 thousand tons - the best result since 2008.

The volume of field seismic surveys according to the 3D methodology amounted to 328 km 2 - a record figure since 1996, when they began to use area seismic surveys in Belarus. Exploration drilling completed 26.2 thousand meters of rocks. In addition, for the first time in the past 2 decades, the annual volume of oil production is equal to the increase in its reserves. The Svetlogorsk Drilling Operations Administration completed 137.4 thousand meters of rocks over the year. As a result, 49 wells were drilled, which made it possible to update the historical maximum of 1975. Then the specialists passed 135.7 thousand meters.

The company has achieved the highest result over the past 10 years in hydraulic fracturing. In 2018, 57 such operations were carried out in Belarus. A record number of hydraulic fracturing was carried out in the company's foreign projects - 156 (in Russia - 85, in Ukraine - 71). In addition, in 2018, Belorusneft generated 418 million kWh of electricity. This is 5% more than the annual consumption of organizations of the company. Of these, 66.6 million - using renewable energy sources ( RES ). These are the best indicators since 2006 - the year of the beginning of the development of own energy in the enterprise. At the same time, by the end of August 2018, the first 100 million kWh of electricity was produced by photovoltaic plants (FES). In just 5 years of operation, FES generated 118 million kWh using solar energ
