

阅读:1458次 日期:2019/01/07

据World Oil网纽约1月4日消息 根据德州劳工委员会的数据,德州油田的工作岗位近两年来首次下降。


“我们看到德克萨斯州的石油和天然气行业出现了显著增长,包括就业机会的持续增加,但增长并不能得到保证。”该州石油和天然气协会主席Todd Staples上周五在一份声明中表示。

拥有世界上最繁忙的页岩油田即Permian Basin和Eagle Ford,孤星州尚未完全攀升至2014年底上游308900工人的高位。原油价格下降且持续了一年多。该州的数据只涵盖与石油和天然气开采相关的上游职位,不包括管道和炼油厂等其它大型行业。据德克萨斯石油天然气协会称,这一计划后来可能会经过历史性修正。

吴慧丹 摘译自 World Oil


Texas snaps 2-year streak of oilfield job growth as crude slides

Jobs in the Texas oil patch dropped for the first time in almost two years, according to the state’s workforce commission.

The number of workers handling exploration and drilling duties fell by 500 to 247,700 in November compared with the previous month, according to the latest data from the Texas Workforce Commission. Snapping a streak of 23 months for oilfield expansion, the state is weathering volatile oil prices that have lost more than a third of their value since October.

“We have seen tremendous growth in the oil and natural gas industry in Texas, including consistent job expansion, but growth is not guaranteed,” Todd Staples, president of the state oil and gas association, said Friday in a statement.

Home to a pair of the world’s busiest shale oil fields -- the Permian Basin and the Eagle Ford -- the Lone Star State has yet to fully climb back to the high of 308,900 upstream workers reached at the end of 2014, before a decline in crude prices that lasted more than a year. The state’s data only covers so-called upstream jobs related to oil and natural gas extraction, excluding other large sectors such as pipelines and refiners. It’s subject to historical revisions later on, according to the Texas Oil & Gas Association.

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