

阅读:1471次 日期:2019/01/08

据ZAWYA网穆巴希尔1月6日消息 沙特阿拉伯和巴基斯坦同意在巴基斯坦港口城市瓜达尔新建一座沙特Aramco炼油厂。

据《阿拉伯新闻》报道,巴基斯坦信息部长Fawad Chaudhry表示,巴基斯坦将在2019年2月签署几项投资协议,其中包括数十亿美元的炼油厂建设协议。


巴基斯坦总理Imran Khan三个月前表示:“我们实际上需要巴基斯坦的两个炼油厂来满足需求。我们最近已经会见了在巴基斯坦的沙特投资者。”

据巴基斯坦国务部长兼巴基斯坦投资委员会(BOI)主席Haroon Sharif称,沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和中国可能在未来三到五年内向巴基斯坦投资约400亿美元。

Sharif告诉《阿拉伯新闻》称“一个由15名成员组成的沙特代表团已从卡拉奇访问瓜达尔,最终确定了沙特Aramco炼油厂的 MoU。他指出该备忘录确实已经确定。”并补充说,“总体方向已达成一致,协议将在适当的时候签署。”

吴慧丹 摘译自 ZAWYA


Saudi Arabia signs largest Aramco oil deal in Pakistan

Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have agreed to build a new Saudi Aramco oil refinery in Pakistan’s port city of Gwadar.

Pakistan is expected to sign several investment deals in February 2019, including the construction deal of the multibillion-dollar oil refinery, Arab News reported, citing Pakistan’s information minister Fawad Chaudhry.

The oil refinery project will be the biggest Saudi investment in Pakistan.

“We actually need two oil refineries in Pakistan to meet demand. We have already met with Saudi investors who have recently visited Pakistan,” Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan said three months ago.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and China are likely to invest about $40 billion in Pakistan in the next three to five years, according to Pakistan’s minister of state and chairman of the Pakistan Board of Investment (BOI) Haroon Sharif.

A 15-member Saudi delegation has visited Gwadar from Karachi to finalise the the MoU for Aramco oil refinery, Sharif told Arab News, noting that the MoU has indeed been “finalised” and adding that “overall directions have been agreed upon and the agreement will be signed at an appropriate time.”

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