

阅读:1431次 日期:2019/01/08

据纽约彭博社1月7日消息,德克萨斯州其他页岩油区块鹰福特(Eagle Ford)的钻井商可能会在2019年缩减活动,因为较低的原油价格会侵蚀现金流。

生产已经开始放缓。根据咨询公司Rystad Energy的数据,本月的供应量预计将首次低于130万桶。Rystad页岩分析公司(Rystad's V.P.)的阿特姆阿布拉莫夫(Artem Abramov)说,如果西德克萨斯州的中间原油价格保持在每桶50美元以下,年底产量可能会降至120万桶。这比10月份达到的两年来高点低了12%。


阿布拉莫夫说,油价低于50美元每桶,鹰福特西部地区的生产商无法盈利,而且很难平衡现金流与运营成本。桑切斯能源公司(Sanchez Energy Corp.)和切萨皮克能源公司(Chesapeake Energy Corp.)表示,鉴于它们在西部市场的地位,它们特别可能会缩减规模。



U.S. Eagle Ford oil growth to stall in 2019 amid weak prices

Drillers in the Eagle Ford, Texas’s other shale oil patch, will likely scale back activity in 2019 as lower crude prices eat into cash flows.

Production has already started slowing. Supplies this month are expected to average below 1.3 MMbod for the first time since May, according to consulting firm Rystad Energy AS. If West Texas Intermediate crude prices stay under $50/bbl, output could fall as low as 1.2 MMbbl by year-end, said Artem Abramov, Rystad’s V.P. of shale analysis. That’s 12% below the two-year high reached in October.

"Most of the producers we have talked to plan to reduce activity this year," he said by phone.

At less than $50/bbl, producers in the western reaches of the Eagle Ford can’t make a profit and may find it difficult to balance cash flows with operating costs, Abramov said. Sanchez Energy Corp. and Chesapeake Energy Corp. are especially likely to scale back given their positions in the western part of the play, he said.
