

阅读:1435次 日期:2019/01/08



俄罗斯石油公司的子公司Uvatneftegaz占了大部分产量。自2001年Uvat项目开始实施以来,目前可采储量为4.08亿吨。他是俄罗斯石油公司活动的重点之一。Uvat项目的特点是存在大量孤立的油气矿床,几乎完全独立。在发展卢布和石油领域的发展。 在 2005年,TNK-BP下层区合计总价值不超过3000万卢布。 预计Uvat项目的实施效果可能是:对于俄罗斯联邦而言超过250亿卢布,对于秋明地区而言超过150亿卢布,对于Uvat地区而言超过40亿卢布,但在2003年 TNK-BP对PSA的条款无法达成一致。TNK-BP在2012年夏天做了大量的准备工作,宣布了在秋明地区开发Uvat油田的投资计划,但在2013年,它被俄罗斯石油公司大力收购。2013年3月,TNK-Uvat更名为RN-Uvatnenftegaz,继续由“tankmen”发起的工作。


曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


In the Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region produced 100 millionth ton of oil

Tyumen, Neftegaz.RU. Cumulative oil production in the Uvatsky district of the Tyumen region exceeded 100 million tons.

According to the State Commission for Mineral Reserves, cumulative production for all deposits in the south of the Tyumen Region as of December 1, 2018 exceeded 100.5 million tons. Recall that currently in the region in commercial operation there are 15 fields. Only within the framework of the Uvat project of Rosneft , which has been implemented for more than 18 years, recoverable reserves are about 410 million tons. The expected production for 2018 is 12.4 million tons of oil.

The share of Rosneft's subsidiary, Uvatneftegaz, accounts for the bulk of production. Since 2001, the Uvat project has been implemented , with current recoverable reserves of 408 million tons. He is one of the priorities in the activities of Rosneft. The peculiarity of the Uvat project is the presence of a large number of isolated hydrocarbon deposits and almost complete autonomy.In 2005,the aggregate price of the subsoil areas of TNK-BP at Uvat did not exceed 30 million rubles. It was expected that the effect of the implementation of the Uvat project could be: for the Russian Federation - more than 25 billion rubles, for the Tyumen region - more than 15 billion, for the Uvat district - more than 4 billion rubles, but in 2003 TNK-BP could not agree about the terms of the PSA. Having done a gigantic preparatory work, TNK-BP in the summer of 2012 announced investment plans for the development of the Uvat fields in the Tyumen region, but in 2013 it was vigorously absorbed by Rosneft. And TNK-Uvat, in March 2013 , renamed RN-Uvatnenftegaz, continued the work initiated by the “ tankmen ” .

Now, the Uvat project includes 20 licensed subsoil plots and 40 fields, including Ay-Jaunskoe. The total area of the project is more than 26 thousand km 2 . Currently, the project is being developed from 4 hubs - the largest centers of development, connected to each other by a single system of pipelines and winter roads. The most promising are Protozanovsky and Tyamkinsky hubs - the number of drilling rigs is being increased for their development.
