

阅读:1477次 日期:2019/01/08


乌克兰指出,乌克兰的沼气发电开始蓬勃发展,发电量从2017年底的34兆瓦(21座工厂)增加到2018年底的46兆瓦(33座工厂)。政府从垃圾中生产沼气特别有希望:“ 在乌克兰,每年产生大约1000万吨废物,并且有近5.5万垃圾堆。一个垃圾填埋场收集的垃圾超过100万吨,可以产生约300万立方米/年的填埋气,其中含有约50%的纯生物甲烷。”




曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


In 2018 in Ukraine, biogas capacity increased by 30%

Kiev, Neftegaz.RU. Biogas capacity in Ukraine increased by 33% in 2018

The ministry noted that the production of electricity from biogas begins to develop dynamically in Ukraine and the capacity increased from 34 MW (21 plants) by the end of 2017 to 46 MW (33 plants) by the end of 2018. Especially promising in the agency is considered the production of biogas from garbage: “ In Ukraine, about 10 million tons of waste are generated annually and there are almost 5.5 thousand garbage dumps. From one landfill, where more than 1 million tons of garbage is collected, it is possible to produce about 3 million m 3 / year of landfill gas, containing about 50% of pure biomethane. ”

According to the agency, 20 biogas plants with a total capacity of 18 MW are already operating in landfills. Most of them in the Kiev region - 3 with a total capacity of 4.1 MW. A successful project is the biogas complex with a capacity of 659 kW at the dump in Khmelnitsky, which can produce about 5 million kW / h of electricity per year.

Today, the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, together with the SEC Biomass and local governments, is analyzing the potential of biogas production at landfills. Opportunities for installing 14 MW biogas plants have already been identified. The projected investment is 3 million euros with a payback period of 3 to 6 years.

Ukraine has recently been seriously interested in renewable energy and energy efficiency issues. There is a reason for reflection, since the country is losing a significant amount of gas in the housing and utilities sector due to outdated networks and non-modernized buildings. And this is not to mention other serious gas problems. Nevertheless, Ukrenergo continues to insist that the rapid development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine may become too expensive.
