

阅读:1422次 日期:2019/01/08

据World Oil网奥斯陆1月7日消息 挪威石油游说公司提高了对该国石油行业投资的预测,因为在长达三年的经济低迷期间,削减成本使得项目更加有利可图,甚至能够抵御最近原油价格的暴跌。

挪威油气协会(Norwegian Oil and gas Association)周一在年度预测中表示,在挪威运营的油气公司将在2019年投资1845亿克朗(合215亿美元)。这比2018年增长了16%,而2017年12月的预测是1530亿克朗。



吴慧丹 摘译自 World Oil


Norway oil lobby hikes spending forecasts, sees 16% jump in 2019

Norway’s oil lobby raised its forecast for investments in the country’s petroleum industry as cost cuts during a three-year downturn made projects more profitable and able to withstand even the recent slump in crude prices.

Oil and gas companies operating in Norway will invest 184.5 billion kroner ($21.5 billion) in 2019, the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association said in annual forecasts on Monday. That’s a 16% jump from 2018 and compares to a prediction of 153 billion kroner made in December 2017.

The group raised spending forecasts for each year through 2022. It expects investments to peak this year, remain little changed in 2020, and then drop to 141.5 billion kroner in 2023. The lobby warned that these forecasts depend on framework conditions remaining stable for the industry, following public debate surrounding issues like petroleum taxes. Investments in Norway’s oil and gas industry rose for the first time in four years in 2018, thanks to higher commodity prices and drastic cost reductions.

Despite benchmark Brent crude dipping from $85/bbl to about $58/bbl in the past three months, prices remain above the lows of less than $30 in 2016. Crucially, they also exceed the price needed by recent projects offshore Norway to break even.
