

阅读:1418次 日期:2019/01/10

据路透社1月8日报道称,卡塔尔石油公司宣布将启动能源行业服务和产业本地化项目 “TAWTEEN” - 一项旨在加强该行业供应链本地化和扩大中小企业基础的举措。




徐蕾 摘译自 路透社


Qatar Petroleum to launch the Localization Program for Services and Industries in the energy sector

Qatar Petroleum has announced that it will launch the Localization Program for Services and Industries in the Energy Sector “TAWTEEN” – an initiative to enhance localizing the sector’s supply chain and expand the small and medium enterprises base.

The program will be launched on 18 February 2019, with the large participation of official bodies and entities, energy sector companies, and a wide spectrum of service providers and supporting industries.

TAWTEEN Program is designed to enhance the resilience of Energy Sector’s supply chain. It also aims at creating around 100 new investment opportunities within the energy sector in order to retain economic value within the State of Qatar, which in turn is expected to add QAR 8 Billion of import substitutes annually and is also expected create more than 5000 new white collar jobs. Moreover, it will provide valuable business opportunities for local and international entrepreneurs in Qatar, or those planning to set up business in Qatar, by providing technical support as part of TAWTEEN supplier development programs, and create an environment to participate in the sector’s supply chain and generate high-quality job opportunities.

One of TAWTEEN’s most important aspects is introducing In-country Value (ICV) policy, which is designed to reward suppliers and contractors who execute their contracts and agreements by maximizing local content. An essential pillar of Qatar’s localization efforts, ICV will integrate into the way business is conducted, and will set forth the rules and requirements of doing business.
