首页>资讯>石油石化>IINO Lines收购三井在LNG运输船中的股份

IINO Lines收购三井在LNG运输船中的股份

阅读:1449次 日期:2019/01/10

据世界天然气1月8日消息称,日本的IINO Kaiun Kaisha已经收购了两家特殊用途公司的额外股份,这两家公司拥有两艘液化天然气运输船,这两家公司拥有挪威能源巨头和液化天然气运营商equinox租用的两艘液化天然气运输船。

2006年,IINO Lines与川崎基森社(Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha)、三井(Mitsui)和挪威国家石油公司建立了合资企业,目的是拥有两艘LNG油轮,即“北极发现者号”(Arctic Discoverer)和“北极航行者号”(Arctic Voyager)。


交易完成后,液化天然气运输船北极发现者号由K Line(持股49%),IINO Lines(持股37%)和Equinor(持股14%)所有。

第二艘液化天然气运输船北极航行者号由Equinor(持股50%),K Line(持股36%)和IINO Lines(持股14%)所有。

IINO Lines在其声明中称,此举有助于公司积累“稳定的长期收入来源”,这是其中期管理计划的关键优先事项。

陈菲 摘译自 世界天然气


IINO Lines buys Mitsui’s share in LNG carrier pair

Japan’s IINO Kaiun Kaisha has acquired additional shares in two special purpose companies owning two liquefied natural gas carriers chartered to the Norwegian energy giant and LNG operator Equinor.

In 2006, IINO Lines launched a joint business with Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Mitsui and Equinor for the purpose of owning two LNG tankers, the Arctic Discoverer and Arctic Voyager.

The company recently agreed with Mitsui to acquire its share in the two special purpose companies NLTC1 and NLTC2, and the acquisition has now been completed.

Following the transaction, LNG carrier Arctic Discoverer is owned by K Line (49 percent), IINO Lines (37 percent) and Equinor (14 percent).

The second LNG carrier, Arctic Voyager is owned by Equinor (50 percent), K Line (36 percent) and IINO Lines (14 percent).

IINO Lines said in its statement the move contributes to the company’s accumulation of “stable long-term revenue sources” which is its key priority in its mid-term management plan.
