

阅读:1446次 日期:2019/01/10


独立的上游石油和天然气公司KrisEnergy在周二晚些时候的一份声明中表示,已经重新启动了泰国湾G10 / 48牌照的Wassana油田的石油生产。

“运营人员已返回移动式海上生产装置,Rubicon Venture浮式储存和卸载船已重新连接到Wassana现场系泊,”该公司表示。

它补充说,其喷雾自升式钻井平台已恢复Wassana填充钻探计划。G10 / 48合同区位于南北大年盆地,水深可达60米。KrisEnergy是运营商,拥有89%的股权,而Palang Sophon则持有剩余的11%。


自12月31日以来,该公司已暂停其海上设施的勘探工作,撤离工作人员并将钻井平台和船只移至未受影响的区域,因为其位于泰国湾的Greater Bongkot North和Greater Bongkot South生产平台正处于风暴的直接路径中。

李方征 编译自 普氏能源资讯


Thailand's offshore oil and gas operations resume after tropical storm

Thailand's offshore oil and gas operations have returned to normal this week after they were suspended due to Tropical Storm Pabuk hitting the region over the weekend.

Independent upstream oil and gas company KrisEnergy has restarted oil production at the Wassana field in the G10/48 license in the Gulf of Thailand, it said in a statement late Tuesday.

"Operational crews have returned to the mobile offshore production unit, and the Rubicon Venture floating, storage and offloading vessel has been reconnected to the Wassana field mooring," the company said.

It added that its Mist jack-up rig has resumed the Wassana infill drilling program. The G10/48 contract area lies in the Southern Pattani Basin in water depths of up to 60 meters. KrisEnergy is the operator with 89% working interest and Palang Sophon holds the remaining 11%.

On Friday, Thailand's state-run PTT Exploration and Production said the tropical storm had passed its offshore installations without damage and it expected to resume gas production on Sunday. PTTEP said it had remobilized its offshore staff, drilling rigs and vessels after inspection of its Bongkot platforms for operational readiness.

It had temporarily suspended exploration work at its offshore facilities since December 31, evacuated staff and moved drilling rigs and vessels to unaffected areas as its Greater Bongkot North and Greater Bongkot South production platforms in the Gulf of Thailand were in the direct path of the storm.
