

阅读:1119次 日期:2019/01/16

据斯塔万格《World Oil》1月15日消息,在2018年成熟区域招标(APA)中,挪威架上共有83个生产许可证,33家公司获得了所有权权益。这是有史以来在一轮授权中获得的最大数量。



“授权数量表明,公司认为,在已知地质和靠近现有基础设施的地区,仍有更多的资源有待发现。重要的是,在我们附近还有平台和管道等基础设施的同时发现这些资源,这样即使是小的发现也能得到有益的开发。挪威石油局勘探主管Torgier Stordal说,这些公司仍然认为在成熟地区进行勘探很有吸引力的一个原因可能是,现在大陆架的大部分都被新的和改进的地震数据所覆盖,这些数据加上新的技术使这些公司能够确定新的勘探目标。


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Norwegian Petroleum Directorate awards record licenses in APA 2018

Thirty-three companies have been offered ownership interests in a total of 83 production licenses on the Norwegian Shelf in the Awards in Predefined Areas (APA) 2018. This is the largest number ever awarded in one licensing round.

Of the 83 production licenses, 37 are in the North Sea, 32 in the Norwegian Sea and 14 in the Barents Sea. Eighteen of the licenses are additional acreage to existing production licenses.

The authorities have awarded acreage in the expanded APA area, both in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea.

“The number of awards shows that the companies believe that more resources remain to be found in areas with known geology and near existing infrastructure. It is important that these resources are discovered while we still have infrastructure such as platforms and pipelines nearby – then even small discoveries can be developed profitably. One reason why the companies still find it attractive to explore in mature areas could be that large parts of the Shelf are now covered by new and improved seismic data, which together with new technology enable the companies to identify new exploration targets,” says Exploration Director Torgeir Stordal in the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.

There is great diversity in the player landscape in this APA award, both small companies and large international companies are being offered exploration acreage. Of the 38 companies that applied (this number does not include Petoro), 33 are being offered ownership interests in at least one production license.
