

阅读:1069次 日期:2019/01/16

据World Oil网伦敦1月14日消息 埃尼最近在海湾地区的采油面积是其在中东地区实现大规模增长战略的一部分。在过去的两年中,该公司已经获得了主要的开发和生产资产,这些新的勘探许可证将使其在未来几年成为该地区勘探的关键参与者。

2018年3月,埃尼集团宣布收购阿联酋Lower Zakum和Umm Shaif & Nasr区块的权益。再加上伊拉克Zubair油田产量的增加,预计这些收购将推动产量强劲增长。Zubair油田是埃尼在该地区唯一的现有生产资产。根据全球数据显示,埃尼集团2018年在中东的产量预计是2017年的两倍多,2019年预计还将增长20%。



吴慧丹 摘译自 World Oil


New exploration captures support Eni’s aggressive Middle East growth strategy

Eni’s recent acreage captures in the Gulf are part of a strategy for major growth in the Middle East. Over the past two years the company has acquired major development and production assets, and these new exploration licenses will make it a key player in the region’s exploration in the coming years.

In March 2018, Eni announced its acquisition of interests in the producing Lower Zakum and Umm Shaif & Nasr concessions in the UAE. Combined with an increase in production from the Zubair field in Iraq – Eni’s only pre-existing production asset in the region – we expect these acquisitions to drive strong production growth. Eni's Middle East production in 2018 is estimated to have been over double the 2017 figure, with a further 20% growth expected in 2019, according to GlobalData.

On top of these production acquisitions, Eni has also secured a 25% interest in the UAE’s Ghasa sour gas development. This will add further production when the fields come on stream, expected in 2022-23.

Eni will hope to secure longer term production growth in the region through its new exploration acquisitions. Such intentions were already shown by the acquisition of Block 52 offshore Oman in 2017 and the company’s unsuccessful bidding for two blocks in last year’s Iraqi bid round. The new blocks in Bahrain, Oman and the UAE will make it a major acreage holder in the region.
