

阅读:1135次 日期:2019/01/16





INA由匈牙利油气集团(MOL)麾下子公司MOL PLC 公司持有49.1%股份、克罗地亚共和国持有44.8%股份以及私人及机构投资者持有6.1%股份。

李峻 编译自 OGJ


Croatia’s INA to modernize Rijeka refinery

fbycfxyvcrCroatia’s INA Industrija Nafte DD has approved a more-than $617-million plan to modernize its 90,000-b/d Rijeka refinery along the northern part of the Adriatic Sea as part of an organizational strategy to boost performance and competitiveness of its Croatian refining business.

The proposed 3-year conversion process would coincide with the concurrent construction of a heavy residue upgrading plant—or delayed coking unit (DCU)—at the Rijeka refinery, which would include a delayed coker, a coke port, storage installations, as well related pipelines and off sites.

INA—which initiated the official tendering process for construction of Rijeka’s delayed coker and associated installations in late 2017—said it expects to take final investment decision this year on the DCU project, which, if approved, would be commissioned in 2023.

[Native Advertisement]Further details regarding the new downstream program have yet to be disclosed.

INA is jointly owned by Hungary’s MOL Group subsidiary MOL PLC 49.1%, the Republic of Croatia 44.8%, and private and institutional investors 6.1%.

上一篇:01月16日 国内主要城市焊管价格汇总
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