

阅读:1103次 日期:2019/01/16


目前,正在制定一项示范框架协议,以便与所有感兴趣的交易对手定期进行此类交易。Gazprom Export预计,新的灵活交易工具(如月度和未来几天的合约余额)的出现将吸引人们对该公司产品的更多兴趣。回想一下,第一笔出售天然气给供气公司的交易是在2018年12月18日举行的第二天(前一天)俄气出口。该公司计划在不久的将来在其官方网站上发布一份示范合同。

Gazprom Export于2018年8月7日正式推出ETP系统。该网站旨在向欧洲消费者销售大量天然气,同时根据现有合同交付天然。ETP的首次交易于2018年9月20日结束。

曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


Gazprom has successfully conducted a gas sale deal at the ETP with delivery by the end of the month

St. Petersburg, Neftegaz.RU. Gazprom export, Gazprom subsidiary, on January 10, 2019 , within the framework of the trading session, successfully carried out the first transaction for the sale of natural gas on the Electronic Trading Platform (ETP) with delivery until the end of the month at the Gazprom site.

Currently, work is underway to prepare a model framework agreement that will allow such transactions on a regular basis with all interested counterparties. Gazprom Export expects that the emergence of new flexible trading tools, such as the balance-of-month and day-ahead contracts, will attract additional interest in the company's products. Recall that the first deal to sell gas to the supply for the next day (day-ahead) Gazprom Export held 18 December 2018 city of. The company plans to publish a model contract on its official website in the near future.

ETP Gazprom Export launched 1 August 7, 2018. The site is designed to sell physical volumes of natural gas to European consumers in addition to deliveries under existing contracts. The first trading on the ETP passed September 20, 2018

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