首页>资讯>石油石化>Par Pacific完成收购美国石油炼化公司的Tacoma炼油厂资产

Par Pacific完成收购美国石油炼化公司的Tacoma炼油厂资产

阅读:1137次 日期:2019/01/16

据OGJ1月14日报道称,Par Pacific控股公司已完成此前宣布的收购私有的美国石油炼化公司下游资产的交易,其中包括位于华盛顿州塔科马附近的一座日产4.2-万桶的炼油厂。

此次收购作为运营商超过3年战略增长计划的一部分,旨在扩大其在美国大陆的炼油和物流业务,Par Pacific此前表示,拟议的交易将连接其在夏威夷的现有资产(其中包括位于Kapolei的日产9.4万桶-的 Ewa Beach炼油厂,一个为该州主要岛屿提供物流的物流系统,以及以及位于太平洋西北地区和落基山脉的91个零售店),以建立一个规模和多样化程度更高的综合下游网络。

该公司表示,此次收购还使Par Pacific在地理位置和物流方面处于有利地位,可以进一步获得西加拿大和Bakken原油的折扣价。

董飞 摘译自 OGJ


Par Pacific acquires US Oil & Refining’s Tacoma refinery, assets

Par Pacific Holdings Inc. has completed its previously announced deal to purchase privately held US Oil & Refining Co.’s downstream assets, including the 42,000-b/sd refinery near Tacoma, Wash..

Part of the operator’s more than 3-year strategic growth plan to expand its US mainland refining and logistics presence, Par Pacific previously said the proposed transaction will connect its existing assets in Hawaii—which includes the 94,000-b/sd Ewa Beach refinery on Kapolei, a logistics system supplying the major islands of the state, and 91 retail outlet locations—the Pacific Northwest, and Rockies to create an integrated downstream network with enhanced scale and diversification.

The acquisition also leaves Par Pacific geographically and logistically well-positioned to further source discounted Western Canadian and Bakken crudes, the company said.
