

阅读:1087次 日期:2019/01/16



储备的增加主要与伦丁石油公司最大的资产Johan Sverdrup油田有关,Edvard Grieg油田和Alvheim油田少量储备的增加也是导致这一结果的原因。石油占伦丁石油公司2P储量的94%,当Johan Sverdrup油田开始生产(预计在2019年11月投产)时,伦丁石油公司2P储量的大部分将开始生产。



Lundin Petroleum announces increased reserves and contingent resources

Lundin Petroleum AB is pleased to announce that as at Dec. 31, 2018, its proved plus probable net reserves (2P reserves) are 745 MMboe, its proved plus probable plus possible net reserves (3P reserves) are 901 MMboe and its best estimate net contingent resources (contingent resources) are 225 MMboe. The 2P reserves replacement ratio is 163% for 2018 and this is the fifth consecutive year that Lundin Petroleum has more than replaced production.

Lundin Petroleum’s 2P reserves as at Dec. 31, 2018 are 745.4 MMboe and reflect a positive revision of 49.2 MMboe, excluding sales. The 3P reserves as at Dec. 31, 2018 are 900.9 MMboe and reflect a positive revision of 35.4 MMboe, excluding sales.

The increase in reserves relates mainly to Lundin Petroleum’s largest asset, the Johan Sverdrup field, with minor reserves additions on Edvard Grieg and the Alvheim area also contributing to the result. Oil accounts for 94% of Lundin Petroleum’s 2P reserves and when the Johan Sverdrup field commences production, with expected start-up in November 2019, the majority of Lundin Petroleum’s 2P reserves will be in production.?
