

阅读:1087次 日期:2019/01/16



总经理Ben Moore解释了孵化器背后的原理:Atollo的主要目标是在海上作业中创造实质性的操作优势。数字化、新技术和其他工作方式正在为尽量减少成本创造无数机会,同时最大限度地发挥近海海洋资产的潜力。





Attollo has launched Innovation Incubator

Attollo Offshore has launched its Aberdeen-based Innovation Incubator. The venture reflects the company’s strategy of continued research and development into improving offshore marine operations.

Due to create 20 jobs, the incubator will bring operational and academic minds together, within Attollo, to accelerate the digital transformation of its offshore operations using latest technology including automation, data analytics and artificial intelligence.

Managing Director Ben Moore explains the rationale behind the incubator: “Attollo’s key objective is to create a substantial operational advantage in offshore marine operations. Digitalization, new technologies and alternative ways of working are creating untold opportunities for minimizing cost, whilst maximizing the potential of offshore marine assets.

“During the oil and gas downturn, substantial progress in efficiency and innovation was made across the industry, but as oil prices rose last autumn, we saw inefficiencies in other business returning almost immediately, which had knock on consequences for us. This has led to the decision to speed up our efforts and drive our already impressive progress faster, through our own incubator.”

“Nobody can predict the future, but having a team dedicated to gaining deeper insight into future developments will be invaluable. The team’s sole purpose will be to imagine better operations and find ways to turn it a reality.”

Technological innovation will be the incubator’s main focus, but Attollo plans to go beyond technology and data into human and ethical insights, identifying how the modern workforce can better engage with technology and enhance human capability in the offshore environment.

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