

阅读:1128次 日期:2019/01/16


美国能源部副部长Dan Brouillette告诉路透社,美国正在与多哈谈论向欧洲供应液化天然气,因为美国希望德国和其他国家从卡塔尔和美国进口天然气,而不是俄罗斯,后者现在占德国天然气进口量的60%。

美国警告德国公司可能对正在建设的Nord Stream 2号管道实施制裁,该管道将使俄罗斯通过波罗的海向德国的出口能力翻番。


Brouillette在多哈发表讲话说,他已与卡塔尔能源部长Saad al-Kaabi讨论过这个问题,他也是卡塔尔石油公司(QP)的首席执行官。


徐蕾 摘译自 路透社


U.S. wants Qatar to challenge Russian gas in Europe

The United States wants Qatar, the world's top liquefied natural gas supplier, to challenge Russia's gas dominance in Europe, a U.S. administration official said on Monday.

Deputy U.S. Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette told Reuters that the United States is talking with Doha about supplying Europe with LNG as it wants Germany and other countries to import Qatari and U.S. gas rather than from Russia, which now accounts for 60 percent of German gas imports.

The United States has warned German companies about possible sanctions over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline under construction which will double Russia's export capacity to Germany via the Baltic Sea.

Germany is Europe's biggest energy consumer.

Brouillette, speaking in Doha, said he had discussed the issue with Qatar's Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad al-Kaabi, who is also chief executive of Qatar Petroleum(QP).

"We are talking to Minister Kaabi here about other markets, specifically Europe, to the extent that we can talk to the Qataris about supplying European markets with natural gas," he said in an interview.

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