

阅读:1018次 日期:2019/01/17


据英国 GlobalData 公司周一发布的一份报告(该报告被称为:北美地下天然气储存行业2022年展望——产能和资本支出预测,其中详细列出了所有运营和计划存储站点终端)称,美国计划在2022年之前增加216.5亿立方英尺可运行天然气储存量,成本为12亿美元。

该研究的作者之一Soorya Tejomoortula表示:“美国日益增长的天然气需求正推动着美国地下天然气储存行业的发展,与此同时,拟议中的天然气发电厂和液化天然气终端也有助于地下天然气储存行业的发展。”如果这些项目能够成功上线,那么美国可运行天然气总储气量将增加到约4.9万亿立方英尺,美国能源信息管理局目前估计的该国可运行天然气总储气量为4.7万亿立方英尺。在过去的五年里,没有新的重要的储存场投入使用。




US to add 216.5 Bcf of working gas storage capacity by 2022

Various midstream companies plan to add more than 200 Bcf of working natural gas storage capacity at 17 sites in the US over the next four years due to the rise of LNG export terminals and gas-fired power generation, according to a report released Monday.

The US is slated to add 216.5 Bcf of working gas storage through 2022 at a cost of $1.2 billion, according to a report released Monday by the UK firm GlobalData called "Underground Gas Storage Industry Outlook in North America to 2022 - Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Operating and Planned Storage Sites Terminals."

"The ever growing demand for natural gas in the US is driving the growth of the underground gas storage industry in the country," said Soorya Tejomoortula, one of the study's authors. "The proposed natural gas-fired power plants and the LNG liquefaction terminals are also aiding the underground gas storage industry growth." If the projects do manage to come online, it would increase total working gas capacity in the US to about 4.9 Tcf. The US Energy Information Administration currently estimates 4.7 Tcf of working gas capacity. No new significant storage fields have entered service over the past five years.

However, many of these planned projects have already faced substantial delays, so it is possible much of this additional storage capacity may not come online by 2022.
