

阅读:1046次 日期:2019/01/17


在应对全球能源需求不断增长的同时,ADNOC 正在投资采取新措施以减少其对环境的影响。它计划到2023年将温室气体排放量进一步减少10%,大幅增加碳捕获,利用和储存(CCUS)技术的使用,减少饮用水的使用,并减少送往垃圾填埋场的废物量。



徐蕾 摘译自 路透社


ADNOC strengthens its position as one of the lowest greenhouse gas emitters in the oil and gas industry

As global oil consumption crosses the 100-million-barrels-per-day mark, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is reinforcing its leadership role and commitment to environmental stewardship, as it strengthens its position as one of the oil and gas industry’s lowest emitters of greenhouse gases (GHG).

While addressing rising global energy demand, ADNOC is investing in new measures to reduce its environmental footprint. It plans to further reduce GHG emissions by up to 10 percent by 2023, substantially increase its use of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology, reduce its use of potable water and cut the volume of waste sent to landfill sites.

A regional leader in flare reduction, ADNOC is increasingly taking advantage of advanced technologies, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) to drive operational efficiencies and enhance performance, which, in turn, will further limit the impact of its operations on the environment.

According to the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Environmental Performance Report for 2017, ADNOC ranked in the top five lowest GHG emitters, with less than half the industry average, at 39.68 million tCO2e, and has one of the lowest methane intensities of 0.01 percent. At the same time, ADNOC has reduced the volume of natural gas flared by more than 72 percent since 1995.
