首页>资讯>石油石化>英国能源服务公司Quanta Fabricom更名

英国能源服务公司Quanta Fabricom更名

阅读:1025次 日期:2019/01/17


总部位于英国的能源服务公司Quanta Fabricom在其新网站上发表声明称,在最近一次管理层收购之后,该公司经历了“一次彻底的品牌重塑”。

2018年,公司进行管理层收购,首席执行官Nick Oates收购了该公司。在董事会和高级管理团队的支持下,Oates继续领导公司的业务。




孔丽炜 摘译自油气新闻


Fabricom Offshore Services has announced the launch of a new name and corporate identity.

In a statement posted on its new website, the UK-based energy services firm, which is now operating under the name Quanta Fabricom, said it has undergone “a complete re-brand” following a recent management buyout.

During 2018, an MBO took place with the company being acquired by Chief Executive Officer Nick Oates, who continues to lead the business with support from the board and senior management team.

“This change in name and identity marks a defining moment for the company,” Oates said in a company statement.

“As Fabricom has grown, so has our service offering and the evolution of our brand reflects the TRUE [trust, results, unity, excellence] values that have been developed to ensure we continue to deliver an agile and proactive service,” he added.

“We pride ourselves on developing strong relationships with our partners and together with the opening of our new Aberdeen office, the new brand and website will help build a strong message to guide us in the future,” he continued.

Fabricom announced on January 9 that it had moved its Aberdeen base to a new office at Arnhall Business Park, Westhill. In a company statement released at the time, Fabricom said the move will see a boost in jobs and training opportunities within the local area.

Fabricom, which provides end to end EPC services, traces its engineering and design heritage back to 1988. The company has offices in Aberdeen and Newcastle.
