首页>资讯>石油石化>壳牌称其在埃及的Idku LNG工厂出口将大幅增加

壳牌称其在埃及的Idku LNG工厂出口将大幅增加

阅读:1358次 日期:2019/02/16

据世界天然气网站2月13日消息 这家总部位于荷兰海牙的液化天然气巨头壳牌公司正考虑在西三角洲油田的产量增加之际,从埃及Idku设施出口的液化天然气将大幅增加。

据路透社报道,壳牌主席Gasser Hanter对媒体表示,Idku设施在2018年总共运送了12批货物,希望在2019年能超过这个数字。





吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Shell eyes exports jump from Idku LNG plant in Egypt

The Hague-based LNG giant Shell is looking to up exports of liquefied natural gas from Egypt’s Idku facility as production ramps up from the West Delta field.

Speaking to the media, Shell’s country chairman Gasser Hanter said the Idku facility shipped a total of 12 cargoes in 2018 and hopes to go over that figure in 2019, Reuters reports.

The facility is currently producing about 200-300 million cubic feet of LNG per day which is below volumes required to run both liquefaction trains.

The company is expecting to complete the West Delta Deep Marine field phase 9B by the end of the year.

He added that the company has won additional exploration licenses in Egypt in the latest bidding round. Shell secured five concessions out of a total of 12 on offer.

Gasser said the new concessions are in close proximity to Shell’s existing infrastructure which would enable the company to monetize the volumes more quickly.
