

阅读:1394次 日期:2019/02/16

据路透社2月14日墨尔本报道,周四,澳大利亚伍德赛德石油公司(Woodside Petroleum Ltd)公布其2018年年度利润增长了36%,在油价上涨的支撑下,该公司丰厚的股息让投资者感到惊讶。



伍德赛德公司首席执行长Peter Coleman在一次电话会议上对记者表示:“我们认为,鉴于价格和产量一直比我们在融资时预期的要高,因此,奖励去年支持我们融资的股东是明智的做法。”

RBC分析师Ben Wilson在一份报告中说:“分红是一个大惊喜, 伍德赛德下半年的分红率达到了100%左右。”




考虑到经济增长,伍德塞德今年1月承诺投资16亿美元至17亿美元,其中大部分资金将投入到斯卡伯勒(Scarborough)和Browse的早期工程中,用于天然气开发和澳大利亚Pluto LNG工厂的扩建,该公司的目标是到2027年将LNG产量增加一倍。




Australia's Woodside beefs up 2018 dividend on strong oil prices

Australia’s Woodside Petroleum Ltd surprised investors with a fat dividend on Thursday after reporting a 36-percent percent rise in annual profit, underpinned by stronger oil prices.

The higher-than-expected payout came after shareholders stumped up $2.5 billion to buy new shares a year ago at a time when Australia’s biggest independent oil and gas producer expected oil prices to average $65 a barrel.

By the end of the year it was flush with cash as oil prices had averaged $71 and the Wheatstone liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, run by Chevron Corp and partly owned by Woodside, performed better than anticipated.

“We thought it was prudent to reward our shareholders for supporting us last year in the equity raising, given that pricing and production has been stronger than we expected when we raised that equity,” Woodside Chief Executive Peter Coleman told reporters on a conference call.

“The dividend was the big surprise, a second-half payout ratio of about 100 percent,” RBC analyst Ben Wilson said in a note.

“The increased dividend will be welcomed by some, particularly given the strong appetite for cash-flow generation and higher distribution from investors in energy companies globally, driven by increased oil price volatility,” Wilson said.

The total dividend was $852 million, or 144 cents a share, compared with analysts’ forecasts of around 135 cents a share, according to Refinitiv estimates.

Net profit for 2018 rose to $1.36 billion from $1.07 billion in 2017. Underlying profit was $1.42 billion, just below analysts’ estimates of around $1.45 billion.

With an eye on growth, Woodside in January pledged between $1.6 billion and $1.7 billion towards projects this year, with most of that flowing into early work on its Scarborough and Browse gas developments and expansion of its Pluto LNG plant in Australia, as the company aims to double LNG production by 2027.

The capital raising last year was partly to help Woodside buy a 50-percent stake in Scarborough for $744 million, giving it a total stake of 75 percent.
