

阅读:1279次 日期:2019/02/20



2018年,韩国、巴基斯坦、泰国和墨西哥的液化天然气进口也出现了强劲增长。LNG前景依然强劲,Wood Mackenzie预测2018年至2025年期间,全球液化天然气需求的年复合增长率为6%。

Wood Mackenzie预测,这种增长将是广泛的,2018年至2025年期间,东南亚和欧洲将占到1.48亿吨/年净需求增量的70%左右。

据Wood Mackenzie称,2018年全球液化天然气供应总量为3.26亿吨,比2017年增长9%。一些新的液化天然气供应项目和现有设施的增加,推动了2018年液化天然气产量的增长。

在这一年,美国(科夫站、Corpus Christi 1号生产线和Sabine Pass 5号生产线)、澳大利亚惠特斯通2号生产线, Ichthys)、俄罗斯(亚马尔2号和3号生产线)和喀麦隆浮式液化天然气开始生产。


根据Wood Mackenzie目前的预测,预计2019年是液化天然气市场供应增长最强劲的一年,预计供应量将增加4000万吨至3.66亿吨,较2018年增长12%。这包括来自美国厄尔巴岛、卡梅隆、自由港和科珀斯克里斯蒂2号生产线的液化天然气新产量,澳大利亚近海的Prelude浮动液化天然气项目,俄罗斯的产量进一步增加,以及2018年投产的项目持续增加。

曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程


LNG Demand Grew 9% in 2018: GasLog

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is expected to have increased by 9%, from 288 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) in 2017 to 313 mtpa in 2018, said GasLog.

The Monaco-based owner, operator and manager of LNG carriers said in a stock exchange annoucement that China’s LNG imports increased by approximately 16 mtpa, or 41%, to 54 mtpa in 2018, driven mainly by continued coal-to-gas switching in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors.

South Korea, Pakistan, Thailand and Mexico also experienced strong growth in LNG imports during 2018. The outlook remains robust, with Wood Mackenzie forecasting compound annual growth in global LNG demand of 6% between 2018 and 2025.

This growth is expected to be broad-based, with Wood Mackenzie forecasting that South East Asia and Europe will account for approximately 70% of the 148 mtpa net increase in demand between 2018 and 2025, it said.

According to Wood Mackenzie, global LNG supply in 2018 totaled 326 million tonnes (“mt”), or a 9% increase on 2017. Several new LNG supply projects and the ramp-up of existing facilities contributed to the increase in LNG production in 2018.

During the year, new production started in the United States (Cove Point, Corpus Christi Train 1 and Sabine Pass Train 5), Australia (Wheatstone Train 2, Ichthys), Russia (Yamal Trains 2 & 3) and Cameroon Floating LNG.

Supply from existing liquefaction facilities in Egypt, Trinidad and Tobago and Oman also increased following successful efforts to raise domestic gas production. Downtime at existing facilities in Malaysia and Russia partially offset these gains.

Based on Wood Mackenzie’s current forecasts, 2019 is anticipated to be the strongest year ever for supply growth in the LNG market, with supply expected to increase by 40 mtpa to 366 mtpa, a 12% increase on 2018. This includes new LNG production from Elba Island, Cameron, Freeport and Corpus Christi Train 2 in the United States, the Prelude floating LNG project offshore Australia, further increases in Russia’s output and the continued ramp-up of projects which were brought onstream in 2018.
