

阅读:1311次 日期:2019/02/20






李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气网


Russia and Colombia lead global oil & gas discoveries during Q4 2018

Neftegaz.RU. According to analytics company GlobalData, Russia and Colombia had the highest number of oil & gas discoveries amongst a number of key countries with 3 each in Q4 2018.

Russia had 2 natural gas discoveries in the West Siberian basin and an oil discovery in the Okhotsk basin, while Colombia had 3 conventional oil discoveries, all in the Llanos Orientales basin.

GlobalData’s latest report: ‘Q4 2018 Global Oil $ Gas Discoveries Review – Russia and Colombia Lead with Highest Number of Discoveries’ reveals that globally 23 oil & gas discoveries were made in Q4 2018 comprising, 13 conventional oil and 10 conventional gas discoveries, with no unconventional discoveries in the quarter.

Regionally Asia leads with 7 discoveries, followed by Europe and South America with 4 discoveries each. The Former Soviet Union (FSU) had 3 discoveries, with North America and Africa having 2 discoveries each in the quarter. Oceania had only 1 conventional oil discovery during the same period.

In terms of terrain, onshore accounted for the most with 13 discoveries, followed by shallow water followed with 5 discoveries. Ultra-deepwater and deepwater accounted for 3 and 2 discoveries, respectively. 2 of the oil & gas discoveries in Russia were made in the shallow water terrain and 1 discovery in onshore terrain, while all 3 discoveries in Colombia were made in the onshore terrain.

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