

阅读:1552次 日期:2019/02/21

据OilNOW网2019年2月18日休斯顿报道,印尼上游监管机构SKK Migas在雅加达宣布,一个由西班牙雷普索尔公司牵头的国际财团日前在印尼中苏门答腊Sakakemang PSC陆上获得了一个重大的天然气发现。

伍德麦肯兹的研究主管安德鲁·哈伍德提供了以下评论:雷普索尔公司的Kali Berau Dalam-2井在2018年底出现井控问题后现已重新钻井,此井的目标是前第三系断裂基底远景区。在钻探之前,该地区的天然气储量估计为1.5万亿立方英尺,相当于2.5亿桶石油当量。


这一重大天然气发现距离Grissik天然气处理厂只有25公里,这个处理厂主要从康菲公司经营的Corridor PSC收集和加工天然气,然后将天然气输送给苏门答腊、西爪哇岛和新加坡的买家。

李峻 编译自 OilNOW


Repsol makes significant gas discovery in Indonesia

Indonesia’s upstream regulator SKK Migas has announced a significant gas discovery by a Repsol-led consortium at Sakakemang PSC onshore Central Sumatra.

Wood Mackenzie’s Research Director Andrew Harwood provides the following commentary:

“Repsol’s Kali Berau Dalam-2 well re-entered after well control problems in late 2018, having targeted the Pre-Tertiary fractured basement play. Prior to drilling, the prospect was estimated to hold in the region of 1.5 tcf of gas, or over 250 million barrels of oil equivalent.

“Further appraisal will be required to determine the extent of the discovery and firm up resource estimates, with another well scheduled on the block for later this year. Wood Mackenzie estimates anything larger than 300 bcf would be considered commercial, given proximity to gas infrastructure.

“The discovery is just 25 kilometres from the Grissik gas plant, which gathers and processes production primarily from ConocoPhilips-operated Corridor PSC, before sending it to buyers in Sumatra, West Java and Singapore.

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