首页>资讯>石油石化>Gas4Sea Partners与挪国油签署LNG加注协议

Gas4Sea Partners与挪国油签署LNG加注协议

阅读:1552次 日期:2019/02/21

据世界天然气网站2月19日消息 Marine LNG Zeebrugge是由Gas4Sea Partners、Engie、Mitsubishi Corporation和NYK的合资企业,与挪国油(Equinor)签署了一份液化天然气加注协议。

根据该协议,Marine LNG Zeebrugge将向荷兰鹿特丹港Equinor的四艘原油运输船提供液化天然气作为海洋燃料。


Marine LNG Zeebrugge将使用2017年开始运营的液化天然气加注船Engie Zeebrugge供应液化天然气。


Gas4Sea是Engie、Mitsubishi Corporation和NYK于2016年联合成立的一家公司,旨在开发液化天然气作为传统基于石油船只燃料的替代品。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Gas4Sea partners ink LNG bunkering deal with Equinor

Marine LNG Zeebrugge, a joint venture of the Gas4Sea partners, Engie, Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK, signed an LNG bunkering agreement with the Norwegian energy company Equinor.

Under the agreement, Marine LNG Zeebrugge will supply liquefied natural gas as a marine fuel to Equinor’s four crude shuttle tankers in the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

The four planned dual fuel vessels are to come into service in early 2020 and they will be operated by Equinor in Northern European seas.

Marine LNG Zeebrugge will supply LNG using the LNG bunkering vessel Engie Zeebrugge which started operations in 2017.

The vessel, capable of holding 5,000 cubic meters of the chilled fuel, is currently performing ship-to-ship LNG bunkering services in the port of Zeebrugge, in Belgium.

Gas4Sea is a brand jointly launched by Engie, Mitsubishi Corporation and NYK in 2016 to develop the use of LNG as an alternative to conventional oil-based marine fuels.
