

阅读:1566次 日期:2019/02/21



S&P Global Platts此前报道称,Ichthys液化天然气最初计划在4月26日接收冷却货物。


发言人说:“为了在工厂启动前用液化天然气(LNG)冷却陆上加工厂设施,进口了一批货物。”她补充说:“今年5月,该项目计划完成在中央处理厂(Ichthys Explorer)启动生产所需的调试,随后将从井口开始生产。”


“液化天然气货物将于2018年运出。具体时间将根据天气状况和未来生产启动活动的顺序确定,”该公司补充说。除INPEX外,道达尔持有Ichthys 30%的股份,其余7.755%的股份分别由CPC、东京天然气、大阪天然气、关西电气、Jera和Toho Gas持有。



Japan's Inpex keeps end-May commissioning for Ichthys LNG project

The Ichthys LNG project in Australia has imported its cool-down cargo andis on track for commissioning in May, a spokeswoman for Japan's Inpex said.

Inpex has a 62.245% stake in the $37 billion Ichthys LNG project whichhas been delayed several times. The project has an LNG production capacity of8.9 million mt/year and market participants expect its ramp-up to have asignificant impact on market prices and volumes.

Ichthys LNG was initially scheduled to receive its cool down cargo onApril 26, S&P Global Platts previously reported.

"Cool down" refers to cooling the tanks and pipes beforehand in order tosmoothly proceed with the start-up and it is a common procedure in starting upnew LNG plants, Inpex said.

"A cargo was imported in order to cool down the onshore processing plantfacility using liquefied natural gas (LNG) prior to the start-up of thefacility," the spokeswoman said. "In May, the project is scheduled to complete the commissioning requiredfor production start-up at the central processing facility (Ichthys Explorer)and subsequently will commence production from the wellhead," she added.

Thereafter, the project will begin production and shipment of condensate,LNG and liquefied petroleum gas in sequence, Inpex said.

"Liquefied natural gas cargos will be shipped out in 2018. Specifictimings will be determined on weather conditions and the sequence ofproduction start-up activities going forward," the company added. Apart from Inpex, Total holds a 30% stake in Ichthys, while the remaining7.755% stake is held separately by CPC, Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Kansai Electric,JERA and Toho Gas.

上一篇:雄安新区召开党工委委员(扩大)会议 研究建立和完善风险防控长效机制
下一篇:2月20日 国内主要城市碳结钢价格汇总