

阅读:1567次 日期:2019/02/21

据油气新闻网站2月19日阿布扎比报道 穆巴达拉石油公司(Mubadala Petroleum)表示,已签署了印度尼西亚政府根据2018年印度尼西亚第三轮直接招标授予的南安达曼地区产量分成合同(PSC)。





穆巴达拉石油首席执行官Bakheet Al Katheeri博士评论道:“南安达曼PSC是我们在总体分割制度下在亚齐的第三个海上区块,标志着我们的印度尼西亚投资组合在这个高潜力地区的进一步扩展。”


王磊 摘译自 油气新闻网


Mubadala Petroleum signs S Andaman PSC

Mubadala Petroleum said that it has signed the Gross Split Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for South Andaman, as awarded by the Government of Indonesia pursuant to the 2018 Indonesian Third Direct Tender Round.

Following the signing, Mubadala Petroleum is the operator of both the South Andaman and the adjacent Andaman I PSC and a partner in the Andaman II PSC.

The South Andaman PSC is located in the underexplored but proven North Sumatra basin offshore Aceh. With participating interests now in three adjacent blocks, Mubadala Petroleum is the largest net acreage holder in the area, securing the core of the North Sumatra basin for future exploration growth.

Mubadala Petroleum has been involved in the region since 2011 through joint study agreements. The PSCs have the potential to unlock a new material gas play for domestic consumption in North Sumatra and indeed long-term export to regional markets.

The work commitment for the South Andaman PSC is to conduct sub surface studies and to acquire 3D seismic, in the first three-year term.

Dr Bakheet Al Katheeri, Mubadala Petroleum’s chief executive officer, commented: “The South Andaman PSC is our third offshore block in Aceh under the gross split regime and marks a further extension of our Indonesia portfolio in this high potential region.

“Our successful bid for South Andaman underscores our commitment in this new high impact growth area together with Andaman I and II and supports our growth strategy of finding and, if successful, developing gas for Indonesia’s growing market. We look forward to completing the seismic work program across all three blocks as soon as possible before taking our evaluation to the next stage.”

上一篇:2月20日 国内主要城市合结钢价格汇总