

阅读:1556次 日期:2019/02/21


A. Giller和S. Zhvachkin在俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的架构中工作多年,他们的工作相当稳定。在本次会议期间 ,双方讨论了传统问题—俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司与托木斯克地区之间的合作前景。特别是对2005-2018年托木斯克地区的气化过程进行了探讨。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司直接投资55.5亿卢布,修建了5条相互连接的天然气管道。截至2019年1月1日,该地区气化水平由6.3%提高到13.2%,明显低于全国68.5%的水平。


此外,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司继续实施一项关于托木斯克地区远离天然气管道的一些人口稠密地区的自动气化项目。我们正在谈论这个村庄的气化问题。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司计划在Kargala GDS旁建立一个天然气液化设施,以及一个接收、储存和再气化的系统。

A. Miller和S. Zhvachkin还讨论了俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司参与该地区具有社会意义的项目的可能性。早些时候,根据俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(在托木斯克地区的儿童项目,建造了一个室内运动场、一个人造溜冰场和多功能运动场。

曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


Gazprom in 2019 will increase investments in the gasification of the Tomsk region by 20% compared with 2018

St. Petersburg, Neftegaz.RU. Gazprom continues to work on the gasification of Tomsk Oblast both through network gas and through autonomous gasification with liquefied natural gas (LNG).

A. Miller and S. Zhvachkin, who worked for many years in the structures of Gazprom are fairly regular. During the current meeting, the traditional issue was discussed - prospects for cooperation between Gazprom and Tomsk Region. In particular, the course of gasification of the region was discussed on the gasification of the Tomsk region in 2005-2018. Gazprom directed 5.55 billion rubles, 5 inter-settlement gas pipelines were built. As a result, the level of gasification in the region increased from 6.3% to 13.2% as of January 1, 2019, which is significantly lower than the national figure (68.5%).

Currently, work on the gasification of the Tomsk region is carried out in accordance with the program of development of gas supply and gasification for the period up to 2021. In the development of gasification in 2019, Gazprom will invest 1.08 billion rubles, which is 20% more than in 2018, when 0.9 billion rubles were allocated for this purpose.

In addition, Gazprom continues to implement a project on the autonomous gasification of a number of populated areas of the Tomsk Region remote from gas pipelines. We are talking about the gasification of the village. Gazprom plans to build a gas liquefaction complex at the gas lateral to the Kargala GDS, as well as a system for receiving, storing and re-gasifying.

A. Miller and S. Zhvachkin also discussed the possibility of Gazprom’s participation in socially significant projects in the region. Earlier, under the Gazprom for Children program in the Tomsk Region, an indoor athletics arena and a sports center with artificial ice, multifunctional sports grounds were built.
