

阅读:1585次 日期:2019/02/21

据世界能源新闻2019年2月19日休斯敦报道,亚太地区知名油气生产商澳大利亚桑托斯公司日前与上市伙伴海滩能源公司(Beach Energy)达成了一项合资协议,两家公司将在位于澳大利亚北部海上的波拿巴特盆地(Bonaparte basin)的4个勘探许可证区块上进行合作。




桑托斯公司还持有WA-459-P的100%股权,并可选择收购WA-488-P 40%的运营权益,在那里,在大型Beehive远景构造上的三维地震测量的处理工作已接近完成。

李峻 编译自 世界能源新闻


Santos Broadens Offshore Exploration in N.Australia

The oil and gas producer in the Asia-Pacific region Santos has struck a joint venture (JV) agreement with fellow-listed Beach Energy to partner over four exploration permits in the Bonaparte basin, offshore northern Australia.

The two companies will each hold a 50% JV interest in the four permits, with Santos acting as operator.

Santos’ position in the Bonaparte basin already includes an 11.5% interest in the Bayu-Undan gas-condensate field and the Darwin LNG plant, as well as a 25% interest in the Barossa field, which is currently in front end engineering and designand is the leading candidate to backfill Darwin LNG.

Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr Kevin Gallagher said: “This alignment of equity and operatorship will allow for a more strategic approach to the next phase of exploration in the region. We continue to chase material resource opportunities offshore Northern Australia to support our established infrastructure position at Darwin, with an eye to both export and domestic markets.”

Santos also holds 100% of WA-459-P and has an option to acquire a 40% operated interest of WA-488-P, where processing of a new 3D seismic survey over the large Beehive prospect is nearing completion.
