首页>资讯>石油石化>LNT Marine密封系统获ABS认证

LNT Marine密封系统获ABS认证

阅读:1543次 日期:2019/02/21

据世界天然气网站2月18日消息 美国船级社(ABS)原则上批准了LNT Marine的新液化天然气燃料箱设计。

LNT Marine是由LNG New Technologies和MGI Thermo合并而成的一家公司,其原则上获得了棱柱型半加压(2 bar g)液化天然气燃料箱(名为LNT燃料箱)的ABS认证。

LNT Marine在其社交媒体频道的简短声明中表示,较高的油箱压力使蒸发处理更简单,保持时间更长,并在加油操作期间能实现蒸汽处理的灵活性。

LNT Marine补充称,该货物密封系统基于一个强大的一级屏障。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


LNT Marine containment system gets ABS approval

American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) granted approval in principle to LNT Marine for its new liquefied natural gas fuel tank design.

LNT Marine, a company created by the merger between LNG New Technologies and MGI Thermo, received the approval in principle for the prismatic semi-pressurized (2 bar g) LNG fuel tank, named LNT Fuel-BOX.

Higher tank pressure allows for simpler boil off handling and increased holding time, and enable flexibility with regards to vapor handling during bunkering operations, LNT Marine said in its brief statement on its social media channels.

The company added the cargo containment system is based on a robust primary barrier.
