

阅读:1486次 日期:2019/02/22


霍尼韦尔客户解决方案中心位于科威特南部的Mina Abdullah,由霍尼韦尔董事长兼首席执行官Darius Adamczyk和科威特石油公司(KPC)副董事兼首席执行官Hashem Hashem 共同主持开幕仪式。


霍尼韦尔的新中心与新科威特2035年愿景和科威特石油公司2040 愿景的主要目标一致,将帮助科威特成为下游石油和天然气行业的全球领先制造商。

Adamczyk表示:“霍尼韦尔坚定支持科威特提高能源生产,引进新技术,开发人力资本,发展重要工业部门的愿景,” “我们在这个国家有着很长的历史,我们很自豪能够成为第一个为客户建立和测试系统的公司,因为他们专注于推动下游产业的发展。这一本地化举措使我们能够与科威特的合作伙伴更紧密地合作,以促进数字化转型带来的好处。“

董飞 摘译自 ZAWYA


Honeywell opens Kuwait's first in-country manufacturing and testing center for advanced oil and gas technologies

A new facility opened today by Honeywell (NYSE:HON) has become Kuwait’s first certified in-country manufacturing, integration and testing center for advanced automation technologies.

The Honeywell Customer Solutions Center, located in Mina Abdullah in southern Kuwait, was officially inaugurated by Honeywell Chairman and CEO Darius Adamczyk and Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) Deputy Chairman and CEO Hashem Hashem.

Honeywell is the first company to build ‘Made in Kuwait’ solutions to power digital transformation across the country’s growing oil, gas and petrochemical sectors. The center enables product assembly and customer testing and acceptance to be consolidated under one roof, making it easier and faster for customers to deploy new technologies.

Aligned to the key goals of New Kuwait Vision 2035 and KPC Vision 2040, Honeywell’s new center will help transform Kuwait into a world-leading manufacturer in the downstream oil and gas industry.

“Honeywell is a committed supporter of Kuwait’s vision to boost energy production, introduce new technologies, develop human capital, and grow key industrial sectors,” Adamczyk said. “We have a very long history in the country and are proud to be the first to build and test systems locally for our customers as they focus on advancing their downstream industries. This localization initiative enables us to work more closely with our partners in Kuwait to promote the benefits of digital transformation.”

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