

阅读:1191次 日期:2019/02/28

据hellenic shipping news2月26日报道,壳牌(Shell)最新的年度LNG展望显示,亚洲对清洁燃料的强劲需求继续推动2018年液化天然气(LNG)使用的快速增长,全球需求增加2700万吨,至3.19亿吨。壳牌预计到2020年需求将达到3.84亿吨左右。




过去几年,中国LNG进口量的持续飙升,帮助改善了中国一些大城市的空气质量。壳牌公司的综合天然气和新能源总监Maarten Wetselaar说:“中国成功地为数百万人提供了更清洁的空气,这表明天然气在向世界提供更多、更清洁的能源方面可以发挥关键作用。”



孔丽炜 摘译自hellenic shipping news


Need For Cleaner Air Driving Strong LNG Demand Growth

Strong demand for cleaner-burning fuel in Asia continued to drive rapid growth in liquefied natural gas (LNG) use in 2018, with global demand rising by 27 million tonnes to 319 million tonnes, according to Shell’s latest annual LNG Outlook. Shell expects demand to reach about 384 million tonnes in 2020.

Global LNG supply is set to rise by 35 million tonnes in 2019. Both Europe and Asia are expected to absorb all this additional supply. A rebound in new long-term LNG contracting in 2018 could revive investment in liquefaction projects. Based on current demand projections, Shell still expects supplies to tighten in mid-2020s.

Ongoing efforts to improve urban air quality saw China’s imports of LNG surge by 16 million tonnes in 2018, up by 40% from 2017.

On the supply side, Australian LNG exports caught up with those of long-time leading supplier Qatar towards the end of 2018 and are expected to rise by 10 million tonnes in 2019. Both countries are well-positioned to supply rapidly developing economies across Asia with gas they need to improve air quality by displacing coal-fired power and heating.

“The continued surge in Chinese LNG imports has helped improve air quality in some of its biggest cities over the last few years. China’s success in making the air cleaner for millions of people shows the critical role that natural gas can play in providing more and cleaner energy to the world,” said Maarten Wetselaar, Integrated Gas and New Energies Director at Shell.

“We saw Asian LNG demand growth exceed expectations again in 2018 and we expect this strong growth to continue. Investment in new supply projects is picking up, but more will be needed soon.”

LNG has played an important role in the global energy system over the last few decades, as an increasing number of countries have turned to natural gas to meet their growing energy needs. LNG trade increased from 100 million tonnes in 2000 to 319 million tonnes in 2018.
