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油价涨跌互现 全球石油库存不断上升

阅读:1583次 日期:2019/03/05




Orbital Insight能源专家Mario de la Ossa对Rigzone表示:“全球库存持续增加。据Orbital Insight的每日产量估计,全球库存比去年多7200万桶。中国和印度在非经合组织国家中稳步增长,分别增长了5100万桶和700万桶。在生产国方面,欧佩克的库存仍然很高,同比增加了1500万桶。”


Henry Hub天然气价格周四反弹。4月份的天然气基准价格上涨1美分,收于2.81美元。

孔丽炜 摘译自Rigzone


Oil Prices Mixed Amid Rising Global Overhang

The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude oil benchmarks moved in different directions Thursday.

The April WTI contract price gained 28 cents Thursday to settle at $57.22 per barrel. It peaked at $57.43 and bottomed out at $56.43.

Meanwhile, Brent crude oil for April delivery fell 36 cents to end the day at $66.03 per barrel.

“The global stock overhang continues to increase,” Mario de la Ossa, energy specialist with Orbital Insight, told Rigzone. “Orbital Insight’s daily volume estimates show global inventories at a 72 million-barrel surplus to last year. China and India lead a steady cadence of non-OECD gains up 51 million and 7 million, respectively. On the producer side, OPEC inventories remain elevated, up 15 million year-on-year.”

The price of a gallon of reformulated gasoline (RBOB) got slightly cheaper Thursday. March RBOB futures shed approximately one-half of one cent to end the day at $1.63.

Henry Hub natural gas rebounded Thursday. The April natural gas benchmark added a penny, settling at $2.81.

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