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INPEX 收购德州页岩油项目

阅读:1585次 日期:2019/03/05

据欧洲石油3月1日消息,日本INPEX公司宣布其子公司INPEX Americas已与GulfTex能源公司达成协议,将收购美国德克萨斯州Eagle Ford页岩油田的多项开发和生产资产。


与该项目相关的大部分资产位于德克萨斯州的卡尼斯县,该地区被认为是Eagle Ford页岩油田的高产区,长期以来该地区一直是页岩油和页岩气开发活动的集中地。INPEX将成为项目的运营商,但项目的部分资产除外。


该项目的收购符合INPEX对“石油和天然气勘探与开采活动的可持续增长”的追求,这是2018年5月公司公布的 “愿景2040”中提出的增长目标之一,其战略定位是加强INPEX的资产投资组合。

程张翔 编译自 欧洲石油


INPEX Acquires Tight Oil Project in Texas, US from GulfTex Energy

INPEX CORPORATION (INPEX) announced that its subsidiary INPEX Americas, Inc. has reached an agreement with GulfTex Energy to acquire multiple development and production assets in the Eagle Ford play in the State of Texas, the United States.

The acquisition marks INPEX’s entry into the US tight oil development and production business.

Most assets pertaining to the Project are located in Karnes County, Texas, considered to be a highly productive area within the Eagle Ford shale play, which has long hosted a concentration of tight oil and shale gas development activity. INPEX will be the Operator of the Project, with the exception of a portion of the Project assets.

Through production operations and development work conducted at the Project, INPEX aims to acquire knowledge and insight on tight oil production in the US as an operator as well as enhance the value of the Project by leveraging its existing tight reservoir development technologies.

The acquisition of the Project is aligned to INPEX’s pursuit of the “sustainable growth of oil and natural gas E&P activities,” one of the growth targets outlined in the company’s “VISION 2040” announced in May 2018, and is strategically positioned to strengthen INPEX’s asset portfolio.

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