

阅读:1510次 日期:2019/03/05




他们正前往挪威峡湾,在那里他们将被Torghatten Nord航运公司用于客运服务。这两艘船的长度为134米,宽度为21米,设计的最大载客量为545人,最大载车量为180辆。他们的推进系统使他们能够以更加生态的方式运作。



根据港务局主席Jose Manuel Vilarino的说法:“Ferrol处于非常有利的位置,能够吸引这类供应业务的客户。它的港口有液化天然气,位于波罗的海和北海的战略位置。这些地区已被宣布为非洲经委会区域,其气体排放率受到海上运输的限制。”因此,船舶必须将燃料油换成另一种污染物含量低的燃料,如天然气。



曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程


Spanish Port Hosts First LNG Operations

The port of Ferrol hosted its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering operation recently which saw two ferries filled with LNG by Repsol in the port’s Mugardos terminal.

Recently built by Turkish shipyard Tersan, the Samnoy and Huftaroy ferries received 178 cubic metres of fuel from five tanks in total. The Samnoy received about 110 cubic metres of fuel, whereas the Huftaroy was supplied with 68 cubic metres.

The two operations were carried out on the outer jetty, which is the dock of the inner dock where small and medium-sized cruise ships usually dock when they visit the city.

They were on their way to the Norwegian fjords, where they will be exploited in passenger services by the Torghatten Nord shipping company. With a length of 134 meters and a width of 21m, both vessels have been designed to transport up to 545 people and up to 180 vehicles. Their propulsion systems enables them to operate in a more ecological way.

The supply operations were made by Repsol, which used five tankers (three on Saturday and two on Sunday) that had previously been filled with LNG at the Reganosa terminal.

The Samnoy received about 110 cubic meters of fuel whereas the Huftaroy was supplied with 68 cubic meters. A total of 178 cubic meters were transferred in simple, safe and clean operations.

According to Jose Manuel Vilarino, president of the Port Authority, “Ferrol is very well positioned to attract customers of this kind of supply operations. It has LNG available in its port and is located in a strategic location, at the gates of the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. These areas have been declared ECA zones and have their gas emission rates limited by maritime transport”. Therefore, ships must change the fuel oil for another type of fuel with a low content of pollutants, such as natural gas.

In addition, Reganosa is working to convert Ferrol into a LNG hub of the Iberian northwest, thereby adapting its Mugardos facilities to the new challenge of small-scale liquefied natural gas traffic. The Parliament of Galicia itself has fully supported this project as an strategic step forward.

Liquefied natural gas is 40% cheaper than fuel oil and much more efficient from the environmental point of view. It reduces by 100% the emissions of sulfur oxide and particles, by 90% those of nitrogen oxide and in 20% those of carbon dioxide.
