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TechnipFMC获得Greater Tortue Ahmeyim项目合同

阅读:1584次 日期:2019/03/05

据石油和天然气管道新闻3月3日消息,英国TechnipFMC公司已经确认获得了英国石油公司(BP)的一份合同,为部署在毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上边界的浮式生产储油和卸油装置(FPSO)提供工程、采购、施工、安装和调试(EPCIC)等服务,助力BP公司 Greater Tortue Ahmeyim 项目的发展 。


TechnipFMC陆上/海上业务总裁Nello Uccelletti表示:“我们很荣幸被委托在西非履行这份享有盛誉的合同,这是我们与BP公司长期合作关系的见证。在TechnipFMC成功完成前端工程设计研究之后,该合同是我们战略性“早期参与”成就之一。我们期待着与BP公司合作,充分发挥这一重要项目的潜力。”


程张翔 编译自 石油和天然气管道新闻


TechnipFMC awarded Greater Tortue Ahmeyim contract

TechnipFMC has confirmed an award from BP for the engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning (EPCIC) of the floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit to be deployed offshore on the maritime border of Mauritania and Senegal for BP's Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Development.

This contract award is a continuation to the FEED (front end engineering design) contract awarded in April 2018.

Nello Uccelletti, president of TechnipFMC’s Onshore/Offshore business, said: “We are honoured to be entrusted with the execution of this prestigious contract in West Africa which is a testimonial to our long-term partnership with BP. This award is one of our strategic “early engagement” achievements, following the successful completion by TechnipFMC of the FEED study. We look forward to collaborating with BP to unlock the full potential of this important project”.

The initial subsea infrastructure connects the first four wells consolidated through production pipelines leading to this FPSO. From here liquids are removed and the export gas is transported via a pipeline to the LNG hub terminal where the gas is liquefied.

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