

阅读:1567次 日期:2019/03/05

据Oil & Gas Journal网站3月1日消息 BP已与TechnipFMC签订了一份合同,负责将在毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔海上边界部署的浮式生产、储存和卸载装置的工程设计、采购、施工、安装和调试,以推进Greater Tortue Ahmeyim天然气项目的第一阶段,该举是2018年4月授予的前端工程设计合同的延续。

最初的海底基础设施通过生产管道将前四口井连接起来,最终形成浮式生产储油船,出口气体通过管道输送到液化天然气的液化天然气枢纽站。该项目将为出口提供液化天然气,并使天然气可供毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔国内使用。天然气产出预计将于2022年上半年开始。BP天然气营销公司(BP Gas Marketing)将从Greater Tortue Ahmeyim项目的第一阶段购买液化天然气的外输产量。


Tortue Ahmeyim气田位于毛里塔尼亚海上的C-8区块和塞内加尔海上的圣路易斯Profond区块。BP以61%的权益运营Tortue Ahmeyim气田,合作伙伴包括Kosmos(29%)、塞内加尔国家石油公司(5%)和毛里塔尼亚国家公司SMHPM(5%)。毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔于2018年初同意联合开发该气田,合作伙伴于12月作出最终投资决定,继续进行天然气项目的第一阶段(OGJ网站,2018年2月12日,2018年12月21日报道)。

吴恒磊 编译自 Oil & Gas Journal


BP lets contract for Tortue gas field off Mauritania, Senegal

BP PLC has let a contract to TechnipFMC for the engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning of a floating production, storage, and offloading unit to be deployed offshore on the maritime border of Mauritania and Senegal, moving forward Phase 1 of the Greater Tortue Ahmeyim natural gas project. The award is a continuation to the front-end engineering design contract awarded in April 2018.

The initial subsea infrastructure connects the first four wells consolidated through production pipelines leading to this FPSO. Liquids are removed, and the export gas is transported via pipeline to the LNG hub terminal where the gas is liquefied. The project will provide LNG for export, as well as make gas available for domestic use in both Mauritania and Senegal. The start of gas production is expected in first-half 2022. BP Gas Marketing will buy LNG offtake from Greater Tortue Ahmeyim Phase 1.

TechnipFMC puts the value of the contract at $500 million-1 billion.

Tortue Ahmeyim field development is in the C-8 block offshore Mauritania and the Saint-Louis Profond block offshore Senegal. BP operates Tortue with 61%. Partners are Kosmos 29%, Senegal-state Petrosen 5%, and Mauritania state firm SMHPM 5%. Mauritania and Senegal agreed to joint development of the field in early 2018 and the partners made a final investment decision to proceed with Phase 1 of the natural gas project in December (OGJ Online, Feb. 12, 2018, Dec. 21, 2018).
