

阅读:1443次 日期:2019/03/05

据世界天然气网站3月1日消息 俄罗斯2月份向欧洲交付的液化天然气达到了创纪录的水平,在供应商中位居首位。

路透社援引Refinitiv Eikon的数据报道,诺瓦泰克领导的Yamal液化天然气项目向欧洲交付了19批货物,总计141万吨。






吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Russia becomes Europe’s top LNG supplier in February

Russian deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe have reached record levels in February taking the top spot among suppliers.

Novatek-led Yamal LNG project delivered 19 cargoes totaling 1.41 million tons to Europe, Reuters reports citing Refinitiv Eikon data.

These volumes were the highest since the project started exporting LNG in December 2017, and it is the first time Russia has been the top supplier to the European LNG import terminals.

The rise in deliveries to Europe was prompted by lower demand and prices in Asia, which consequently resulted in no Yamal LNG cargoes heading to Asia in February. The last time this happened was May 2018.

In comparison, liquefied natural gas deliveries from the United States to Europe in February reached their lowest point since November, with nine cargoes unloading at the European import facilities, totaling 0.64 million tons.

Qatar has regularly been supplying 18-19 cargoes per month since October with 18 arriving to Europe in February, totaling 1.33 million tons. This was five cargoes more than in the same month last year.

Other notable suppliers to Europe were Nigeria with 16, and Algeria with 18 cargoes.

上一篇:3月4日 国内主要城市合结钢价格汇总
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