

阅读:1461次 日期:2019/03/05

据普氏能源资讯3月1日新加坡报道,大型液化石油气公司BW公司在周四发布的2018年第四季度业绩报告中表示,由于北美和中东地区的出口增长以及东南亚、韩国和日本的进口增长,2018年海上液化石油气贸易量同比增长4% 。





程张翔 编译自 普氏能源资讯


Global seaborne LPG trade rises 4% in 2018 on US, Mideast export growth

Seaborne LPG trade rose 4% year on year in 2018 due to growth in exports from North America and the Middle East and growth in imports to Southeast Asia, South Korea and Japan, major VLGC owner BW LPG said in its fourth quarter earnings release Thursday.

Further growth was expected in 2019 led by LPG exports from the US, Australia and Canada, the company said.

No significant change in volumes was expected for the Middle East in 2019 as incremental growth in exports from the region was likely to balance the impacts of re-imposed sanctions on Iran and OPEC production cuts, BW LPG said.

Based on the latest EIA forecast, US LPG net exports are expected to grow 23% on year to 38 million mt in 2019 due to increased production and flat domestic consumption.

BW LPG remains "cautiously optimistic" on the freight market for 2019 based on the forecast growth in export volumes from the US, Australia and Canada, but expects the high level of newbuild deliveries to offset the increase in demand.

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