

阅读:1397次 日期:2019/03/05

据世界天然气网站3月1日消息 昆士兰政府批准了阿罗能源(Arrow Energy)价值100亿澳元(70亿美元)的苏拉特(Surat)天然气项目。


总理兼贸易部长Annastacia Palaszczuk说:“目前计划在2020年投入运营,该项目将为出口和国内用户生产液化天然气。”




矿业部长Anthony Lynham表示,阿罗能源提议利用附近现有的QGC基础设施,包括处理设施和管道,将天然气输送到国内和出口设施。

吴恒磊 编译自 世界天然气


Australia: Queensland government approves Arrow’s Surat gas project

Arrow Energy’s A$10 billion ($7 billion) Surat gas project has been given the green light by the Queensland government.

Approval has been granted for 14 petroleum leases between Dalby and Wandoan that will bring an extra 5000 petajoules of gas to market over 27 years – including 240 petajoules per annum during peak production from 2026, a joint statement by the trade, natural resources, mines and energy ministries said.

Premier and minister for trade Annastacia Palaszczuk said, “currently scheduled to be operational in 2020, the project will produce gas for LNG for export and for domestic users.”

She added this is the biggest resources project since 2011 when the LNG projects were sanctioned.

The leases cover around 2,500 km2 on blocks between Dalby and Chinchilla in the gas-rich Surat Basin, where major gas projects are already operated by Origin, Santos and QGC.

Construction is expected to start later this year with first gas forecast to flow from 2020.

Mines minister Anthony Lynham said Arrow Energy proposed to use nearby existing QGC infrastructure including processing facilities and pipelines to transport gas to domestic and export facilities.

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