

阅读:1583次 日期:2019/03/11

据离岸工程3月6日消息称,MAN能源公司已经签署了一份合同,将一艘15000 标准集装箱船改装为双燃料船。

集装箱船MV SAJIR由领先的班轮运输公司哈伯劳埃德所有,通常通过苏伊士运河提供从亚洲到北欧的航线。该试点项目将需要将现有的HFO-burning MAN B&W 9S90ME-C发动机改装为能够在HFO和LNG上运行的双燃料MAN B&W ME-GI(-Gas Injection)原动机。改造工作将在中国沪东/ HRDD造船厂进行,该厂专门从事船舶修理和改装。

MAN能源公司首席销售官兼执行委员会成员Wayne Jones OBE表示:“我们看到整个行业对这个项目非常感兴趣。这是一个将大型集装箱船转化为液化天然气的绝佳展示平台,潜在的市场效益是巨大的。随着这一消息宣布,MAN 能源公司再次走在技术的最前沿,我们有能力为四冲程和二冲程发动机执行液化天然气转换。”

在将现有HFO发动机转换为LNG时,MAN B&W二冲程发动机的减排效果是显著的。




Wayne Jones补充道:“MAN 能源公司的战略是提供完整、完全集成的解决方案。因此,MAN Cryo将安装整个燃气系统,为主发动机和辅助发动机提供气体,包括MAN能源公司300bar高压泵蒸发器系统。

MAN能源公司于2015年收购了燃气专业公司Cryo AB,并将其完全整合到自己的业务中

在MAN Cryo品牌下,该公司提供液化气体的储存、分配和处理系统。

曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程


First Mega-Boxship Retrofit to LNG Ordered

MAN Energy Solutions has signed a contract for the conversion of a 15,000 TEU container vessel to dual-fuel operation.

The container vessel MV SAJIR is owned by Hapag-Lloyd, a leading liner shipping companies, and normally serves a route from Asia to northern Europe via the Suez canal. The pilot project will entail the conversion of an existing, HFO-burning MAN B&W 9S90ME-C engine to a dual-fuel MAN B&W ME-GI (-Gas Injection) prime mover capable of running on HFO and LNG. The retrofit will be done at the Chinese Hudong/HRDD shipyard, specialized in ship repair and conversion.

Wayne Jones OBE – Chief Sales Officer and Member of the Executive Board, MAN Energy Solutions – said: “We are seeing great interest in this project from the industry as a whole. This is an excellent showcase for the conversion of a mega-container vessel to LNG and the potential benefits for the market is huge. With this announcement, MAN Energy Solutions is once again at the forefront of technology with our ability to execute LNG conversions for both four-stroke and two-stroke engines.”

The emission savings for MAN B&W two-stroke engines are significant when converting an existing HFO engine to LNG.

Using LNG in the shipping industry could reduce CO2 emissions by 15 to 20 percent and sulphur dioxide and particulate matter by more than 90 percent.

“By converting the ‘Sajir’, we will be the first shipping company to retrofit a container ship of this size to LNG propulsion”, said Richard von Berlepsch, Managing Director Fleet Management at Hapag-Lloyd. “With this unprecedented pilot, we hope to learn for the future and to pave the way for large ships to be retrofitted to use this alternative fuel.”

The Hapag-Lloyd pilot project is scheduled to take place in 2020 when the five-year old vessel will spend 90 days in dock.The DNV-GL approved gas-storage system will occupy an area equivalent to 350 containers, including the pipework between storage and engine.

Wayne Jones added: “MAN Energy Solutions’ strategy is to provide complete, fully integrated solutions. Accordingly, MAN Cryo will install an entire gas system to supply gas to the main, as well as to the auxiliary engines, including a MAN Energy Solutions 300 bar high pressure Pump Vaporizer System (PVU).”

MAN Energy Solutions took over fuel-gas specialist company Cryo AB in 2015 and fully integrated it into its business.

Under the brand MAN Cryo, the company offers systems for the storage, distribution and handling of liquefied gases.

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