

阅读:1510次 日期:2019/03/11

据普氏能源资讯2019年3月7日纽约报道,标准普尔全球普氏能源资讯分析公司(S&P Global Platts Analytics)周四公布的最新统计数据显示,在截至周三的报告周内,美国在用石油和天然气钻机总数大幅减少了25部至1085部,此次减少使全国在用钻机总数处于2018年1月以来的最低水平。



李峻 编译自 Platts


US rig count falls 25 on week to 1,085: S&P Global Platts Analytics

The combined US oil and natural gas rig count fell by 25 to 1,085 during the reporting week that ended Wednesday, putting nationwide drilling activity at the lowest level since January 2018, S&P Global Platts Analytics data showed Thursday.

Operators idled 11 oil rigs last week, dropping the oil rig count to 856, but added a single gas rig, for a total of 225. The cyclic steam rig count also dropped by one to four.

Last week's decline more than erased a 20-rig jump during the week prior, dropping the nationwide rig count to a 14-month low. While counts have oscillated up and down week-to-week, the overall trend has been lower and there were 148 fewer active drilling rigs last week than the recent mid-November peak of 1,233.

上一篇:3月8日 国内主要城市钢坯价格汇总
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