

阅读:1518次 日期:2019/03/11

据普氏能源资讯3月7日消息,标普全球普氏能源咨询(S&P Global Platts)对行业官员、分析师和航运数据的调查发现,沙特阿拉伯持续的产量纪律以及委内瑞拉在美国制裁下的挣扎导致欧佩克2月份的原油产量略低于日产3080万桶。





尹路 编译自 普氏能源资讯


OPEC Feb crude oil output falls 60,000 b/d to 30.80 mil b/d

Saudi Arabia's continued output discipline and Venezuela's struggles under US sanctions led OPEC's crude oil production in February modestly lower to 30.80 million b/d, an S&P Global Platts survey of industry officials, analysts and shipping data found.

The figure is a 60,000 b/d drop from January and is OPEC's lowest output level since March 2015, when Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Congo had yet to join the organization but Qatar was still a member. Despite the fall, OPEC still has more cutting to do to fully comply with its supply accord that went into force in January.

The 11 members with quotas under the deal achieved 79% of their committed cuts in February, and remain 170,000 b/d above their collective ceiling. This is a slight improvement on January's 76%, with Nigeria and Iraq producing far in excess of their cap, according to Platts calculations.

The agreement, which runs through June, calls on OPEC and 10 non-OPEC allies, including major producer Russia, to cut a combined 1.2 million b/d in supplies to help shore up oil prices.

The February output figures will be reviewed by a six-country monitoring committee of the OPEC/non-OPEC coalition, which meets March 18 in Azerbaijan to discuss market conditions and assess compliance with the deal. The committee is co-chaired by Saudi Arabia and Russia.

上一篇:3月8日 国内主要城市热轧板卷价格汇总